WOW-GUIDE: Dausegne in the RAID Mausoleum of the first (LFR, normal heroic)

In a relatively small combat area you have to make the best out of the place during the encounter with Dausegne in the Wow-Schlachtzug Mausoleum of the first , which remains. If you understand the mechanics of wave attacks and harm enough damage, this Shadowlands Raidboss will hardly face challenges.

In our RAID guide to Dausegne we first show you a brief summary of the main skills of the boss and link you a suitable video guide. If you want to look at the BOSS guide to Dausegne with all skills in detail, then read on.

Dausegne, the fallen oracle - short guide

  • Disintegration wreath may take you only after the debuff (six seconds runtime). If possible, use teleportation magic to teleport over the beam.
  • Bringed Dausegnes absorption plate down as soon as possible after teleporting itself to a column. If necessary, lift DPS and Heil-Cooldowns for it.
  • Parts groups intercepting shattering bombardment (only heroic).
  • Weight extinguishing bow.
  • Tanks spotted after fulfilled beats.

Dausegne Video Short Guide

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Deadly waves

In addition to avoiding rays and laughing on the ground, the most important mechanism turns around the four columns at the edge of the combat area, which will be activated after the series of Dausegne and trigger the disintegration wreath. Whenever, when Dausegne acts inevitable rule, she empowers one of the pillars and the disintegration wreaths in a kind of wave to you. With blinking of the magician, the nightfare teleport, retreat from the hunter and similar effects you can teleport over the wave over it and bypass the subsequent six-sap debuff. The black waves in the fight are not deadly as long as they meet at least four seconds. Source: debuff The debuff suffers 500 percent more damage through the next wave. In what order the disintegration wreaths are activated, you see the previously outgoing from Dausegne little black shot (quite hard to see). Always If the mana of the boss falls to zero , he teleports to a column and activates them. Dausegne receives a absorption plate, which must be beaten down as soon as possible from you to interrupt the then channeled attack. Because during the channeling, the RAID suffers massive group damage every second and the laughs grow on the ground. Parties for these phases Heil-Cooldowns and cuddles on the boss.

So you go with the waves and the columns

The faster you will hit the first wave, the more time you have for the next . The simplest tactics is thus closed as a raid as close as possible to the column, which is first activated . As soon as the debuff of the first wave has expired, you want to be made as soon as possible from the second wave. For three columns this is still feasible, only with four active columns you have to be careful.

Laugh on the floor, which are triggered by hits of the waves, gradually reduce the combat area and each pillar begins to act a dominion flash on players who need to be interrupted by remote fighters. The longer four columns are active, the heavier the fight and donkey will expire into a mini-enrage, in which they activates the columns more frequently. Bring the life points of the boss with fighting rush / heroism at the beginning of the fight as far as possible as possible, in the end you have to run too often

Greeting formation

Shattering bombardement (heroic only) is also pretty deadly, but you can delay the magical attack super light. Dausegne channels three balls and throws them successively on a player who suffers a good 50,000 damage points. The damage is split on all players nearby . So you either use an immunity that lasts long enough, a series of defensive cooldowns looks at the player or forms groups with at least two additional players.

If Dausegne runs to a pillar and begins to channel, burst damage and much healing is in demand. Source: debuff The three balls meet as I said with some time interval. Simply act ice block or aspect of the turtle, does not work out the complete ability. Permanently cuddly to stand or always use the same groups, but will not work. Because after a player has been shaking bombardment, he receives a debuff, which suffers 500 percent more damage for 45 seconds by the next bombardment . Care: The attack pushes back a piece.

The rest of the fight

Dausegne Raid Guide - Normal/Heroic Dausegne Sepulcher of the First Ones Boss Guide

What the cuddling on the boss is still heavier, the cone-shaped attack extinguishing sheet , which acts in a large area in front of it. The frontal attack is not worked directly over the entire span, but fan-like . You already see the cone-shaped outline when the attack is started (see picture below). But Dausegne begins only on one side and pulls the attack quickly to the other end.

Sometimes the attack closes to the middle. Slipping bow is not directly a death sentence with a good 30,000 damage (heroic mode), but of course you should always dodge the attack. The typical beverage mechanism for tanks is fulfilled beats. Dausegne sucks on you for 20 seconds, every second causes just under 3,000 damage points and stacks a debuff on you. After the 20 beats, you explode and adds damage to the total raid of the resulting debuff stack. So a tank should not intercept all stacks of fulfilled punches alone and depending on the perseverance of your tank partners, to keep the two explosions harmless.

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