The founders of Sierra come out of their retirement and announce colossal cellar 3D Adventure

Acté Since last summer, the return to business of Ken and Roberta Williams takes shape on this week of GDC 2022 with the anonym of Colossal Cave 3D Adventure for the end of the year on PC and Quest 2.

Yet retired for a long time, Ken Williams, 67, decided to answer the call for creation. A crazy idea that occurred while time began to be long during confines. With his wife Roberta, Ken Williams is known for founding Sierra in 1979, giving birth to titles like King's Quest, Gabriel Knight or Phantasmagoria. Ken and Roberta Williams had left the premises at the time of buying their business by Vivendi in 1996 for $ 1 billion.

Today, we know that the project of the WILLIAMS couple has the name COLOSSAL CAVE 3D Adventure , a 3D replay of a pioneer of the textual adventure game scheduled in the mid-1970s by William Crowther and Don Woods. In 3D and VR, because this exploration game will be available on PC but also on Quest 2. The purpose of this oriented game all public will be to explore a cave with a subjective view to the search for all its treasures, by doing the Meets of different characters more or less hostile and overriding different puzzles on the way. Colossal Cave 3D Adventure is developed with the Unity engine, with which Ken Williams had fun over his free time for two years to experience 3D. However, it is Roberta Williams who is credited as Director of Creation.

"If I was confined by the pandemic, I wrote a book on the time of Sierra. His success surprised me and reminded me of many memories of the time when we were doing games. 'led to study how modern games are designed and started coding using the unity game engine for fun. I was looking for something interesting to code when Roberta suggested Colossal Cave. Roberta was put at work to adapt it in 3D, and I have formed a team._

In digging more and more deeply in the game, we have discovered complexity layers that explain why the game has become such an industrial phenomenon. It includes elements of action, humor, a score system, adventure elements, interesting characters, an immense world to explore and much more. It's really a game that will delight a new generation, and 100% different from everything I saw on the market today ", says Ken Williams on the project site.

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The veterans founded a studio named Cygnus Entertainment in October 2021 especially to develop and publish the game with their own funds, without calling for participatory funding or external investors. In the state, the WILLIAMS spouses do not know yet if the studio will develop other titles or if the adventure will stop after the output of Colossal Cave 3D Adventure **. In the meantime, Roberta Williams is present at San Francisco GDC 2022 to show the current version of the game Unity.


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