Smile Gate Tales Runner, 16th Anniversary Special Event Progress - Smile

The Smile Gate Mega Port (CEO) said the online racing game 'Tales Runner' (developer Raon Entertainment) shall give special events in the 16th anniversary of the official service and offered a different District Jimmy that can be sympathized with the user.

The Tales Runner celebrated the 16th anniversary since the launch of the public service on August 1, 2005. Since the last 2014, Smile Gate Mega ports have received the service, and has been loved by the same users, and has been a representative stadiser during the Korean online game.

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To commemorate the 16th anniversary, the Smile Gate prepared a special event. The first event contains a story that users collect photo pieces in the legendary planner development notes by the Legendary Development Notes. You can acquire a set of emotions and a publication set of emotions with a collection of photos.

In this process, the runners can now identify development sketches and non-Hind story, which had never been disclosed so far. You can check the tails runner that is different from the version currently being served as the development of the development and the initial concept sketch of each character and the initial concept sketch of each character.

The second event is conducted on the official website, and the 16th anniversary celebration will be held in a form of writing the lanterns on the lantern letter. Users can acquire the point after participating in the lantern blown and acquire the point and acquire various items and prizes at the exchange.

This update has also added a new map 'splash waves'. This map is conducted in the country of joy as 4-to-four teams, and is a training map of surfing mode that must complete a variety of obstacles such as sharks, jellyfish, and buoys. In particular, when you press the dash button before the waves, the booster is expected to become a key to the wealth, when the combo is completed and the combo is completed, and the combo is achieved.

New items were added. Users can get a new item 'Fighting Republic of Korea set' after users to play the event map, and the system of emotional system, and the drawing of the system of the third capsule and emotions Retro uniforms and royalfring A set or the like can be obtained.

Smile Gate Mega Port Kim Yu-jin Team Leader said, "We are preparing for a colorful event for the 16th anniversary of the Tails Runner service, and showed a legendary development notes to the first event," he said, "In the future, we will benefit and fun for you I asked if I ask you to expect. "

Raon Entertainment Park Han Soo PD said, "I think I would like to share the road with the Tales Runner, and I planned this event," "I planned this event." "I sincerely thank you for many people who love Tales Runner, and in the future, I will do my best to develop content. "


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