Roleplaying insider tip goes full by the deck at Steam

The Topseller list of Steam is always worth a look and shows which games are especially in the trend especially in PC players. Currently, the revised version of a role-play insider tap storms the charts.

Disco Elysium - The Final Cut: Unique RPG conquers Steam charts

The Steam charts keep real surprises ready at regular intervals - so today. Who throws a look at the current list will find there on the fifth place Disco Elysium - The Final Cut (Source: Steam). The roleplay appeared in the fall of 2019, but was revised again in the spring of 2021 and published as "The Final Cut" version. Also, porting on the Nintendo Switch is planned and should be released this summer.

What makes Disco Elysium to a role-play insider tip?

In Disco Elysium, she succeeds in the role of a catered and dropped detective, which can no longer remember the events of the last night, let alone remember his own name. Despite his bad makeup, the broken man must break together and enlighten a murder case . Gradually you can remember more and more details - but we do not want to betray you about the ingenious history of the game.

Another peculiarity of the game: There is not a combat system . Disputes are enclosed with either words or strength samples based on your skill points. In general, the game is more textile, but players offers numerous different ways to influence the course of history and the development of the character.

This combination is likely to hit fans of action role games such as the Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim in front of the head, but that's exactly these qualities made from Disco Elysium a fascinating role-playing game , which seeks its kind. No wonder the RPG insider tip has not only found its way to the Steam Topseller but also in our top 10 PC games.

Final Fantasy XV - Chapter One Cutscenes with Older Bro Models __Disco Elysium - Watch the Final Cut on Steam

The current Steam discount promotion should also have played Disco Elysium in the cards. The RPG is currently 40 percent reduced and costs until 16 August instead of 39.99 euros only 23,99 Euro .

What do you say about Disco Elysium? Will you look at the game once? Or may you even play it through? If so, how does you fend it? Write us your opinion in the Facebook comments!


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