Icarus: Dean Hall moves his new game by three months | beta

For this there will be a beta weekend from the end of August every two weeks to the release of Icarus.

Actually, Icarus, the new game of Dayz Creator Dean "Rocket" Hall, should appear in the middle of this month. But just three weeks before the scheduled date, the good man and team have decided to move the release - and not just a few weeks, but rich three months. Now ICARUS should only be launched in November, a precise date is not yet fixed.

Riders of Icarus - Taming the BIGGEST MOUNT ! ( Alliance Stingray - Badlands Manastone)

"Our team has committed itself to deliver the best possible experience for our game to launch," says a contribution of the developer studio RocketWerkz on Steam. "We have kept the condition of our development builds very carefully and decided that we want to give Icarus more love by moving the game." In addition, the team has decided to restructure the beta. Instead of having a test phase that runs for several days, there will be a beta week every two weeks from the end of August - and until November.

It starts on the 28th and 29th of August with the first test, where you can only explore the forest biom. In addition, they are not yet enabled the strong storms that will whine in Icarus's survival. The arrives only on the second test weekend (11th and 12th of September). On the 25th and 26th of September, the Arctic Biom is open, on the 9th and 10th of October the desert is added. On 23 and 24 October the group missions are unlocked and the last beta weekend on 6 and 7 November will take place a special community event, where you can also win prizes. For details, RocketWerkz remains guilt.

If you want to participate in the beta test of Icarus, you have to pre-order the survival game. And do not worry: even if you spend hundreds of hours in the beta (what, if you can watch a lot on each of the weekends, at least in theory is possible), then you can still apply for a refund.


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