Destiny 2: Weekly Reset on 24.08. - So the new season of the forgotten starts

Indestiny 2 Today launches the new Season 15. Bungie has just revealed all the information in the stream and you can play the new chapter immediately. We tell you what has done this week everything.

This happens today: In Destiny 2, the brand new Season 15 starts with today's Weekly Reset - the season of the forgotten. We give you a first point of contact in this article so you know what's what happened in the week.

  • The most important changes for weapons, exotics, skills and other adjustments of the Season 15 can be found here
  • All information about the great reveeal stream of Witch Queen, the next extension and also delicacies to the new Season is here in the ticker of Meinmmo.
  • Destiny 2 introduces new Season 15 - that awaits you until February 2022. In the near future, we also complement you the detailed roadmap.
  • Destiny 2 now relies on CrossSplay - what is planned and what it means for you, we declared you.

Here you can tune with a trailer to the new Season, where you mobil with the Queen Mara Sov in the dreaming city against Savathûn Mobile:

You should first do this in the new season

Of course, you should ideally conclude the first story missions in the dreaming city, putting you in the fresh Cinematic and then in the tower, for example for prey trains or quests.

  • Make a visit to Banshee-44 in the tower.
  • He has a quest for the new order weapon of Season 15 - a special rocket launcher.
  • Owners of the Season Pass can directly get their seasonal weapons exotic - also free2play keepers receive the exo on stage 35.
  • New armor exotics for each class is from the legendary sectors.

You should also get the seasonal artifact as soon as possible. Mostly there is this according to the first story missions. Only when you have the item, you should collect and output with the experience points (for example, by prey trains). So you are practically increasing in the Powerlevel and turns out the important mods in the fight against the strong champions.

We at Meinmmo must first find us in the new season, so the reset article may be slightly narrower than you are used to. But then let us come directly to the activities of the week.

Please note that the Destiny server is often utilized to start a new season. Queues and login problems are not a rarity.

The most important info about activities of 24.08. until 31.08.

The dusk: the fire sample is waiting for the strike

  • The hollow hiding place - so it goes into the worries against the fanatic
  • The difficulty's top rider should be available in Season 15 directly to the start
  • In the twilight looPool, there are now 2 weapons every week, we are curious

Playlist Strikes have these modifiers:

  • Arkus-neck
  • Stasis thermal exchange
  • Blackout

The elementary modifier remains identical to the next Weekly Rest, the other rotate daily.

Where are my tokens? If you are wondering, Lord Shaxx was revised for Season 15. In the course of this all vanguard tokens were deleted.

In the RAID glass chamber happens:

  • This challenge is waiting: Waiting .... - You may not kill Wyvern during the conflux phase, if they start sacrificing on the conflux. Hikel, because the victim succeeds, you have to worry.
  • As a reward, the time-refined weapon Vision of Confluence is waiting in Challenge mode. It is then guaranteed with zen moment and fully automatic trigger system.

Melting pot - these are the PVP playlists:

  • Private Match
  • Rumble
  • Control
  • Elimination
  • Glory survival
  • Glory survival: Freelance
  • Dynamics control

* Petra Venj * is nice to the spawnpunkt of the dreaming city. The 2nd curse week prevails throughout the zone. Active is the 6 . Ascendent challenge.

_ If you are interested in Destiny, Call of Duty, Battlefield or Multiplayer shooter in general and want to become part of Meinmmo, you now have the chance. Everything about the vacation can be found here: _

Sources for top loot in Season 15 by Destiny 2

This is the new Max Level: In the season of the forgotten is the maximum powerlevel of your equipment to 1.330. Thus, the PowerLevel has risen only by +10 compared to the previous season 14. So you can bring you much faster into the endgame activities, and does not have to lie so much.

Peak Loot (Pinnacle Gear) brings you over 1,320.

Which Loot is in Season 15 and from which sources your Pinnacle Gear gets, it has to show itself during the week. Next week you will find on Meinmmo as usual the listing of all sources for top loot. In the past Season these activities belonged to this:

  • Reached at dusk: fire sample at least 100,000 points as a team
  • Simulation: EXO challenge
  • Omen mission
  • Prophecy Dungeon
  • Sign mission
  • Checks of Osiris
  • RAID The Glass Chamber
  • Imperium hunt for upgrade
  • Complies 3 Gambit Matches
  • Complete 3 crucible matches in control
  • Complete 3 strikes with a matching focus
  • Hawthornes clan task

Whether the said sources will give top loot again, but is not yet clarified.

G Lanzstaub Highlights in the Everversum

A new Season also means massive new cosmetics, with which you individualize your guardian or equipment. Many of the items from the eversevers can be obtained in the course of the Season 15 without real money, only with gloss dust. Weekly the offer rotates, so brings patience with.

There's on Tess on offer:

  • The exotic sparrow Legacy of the crazy
  • The exotic ship Prostheus
  • The exotic emota Patt
  • Exotic hunter ornament Hrafngud for Heavenly Nightwalk
  • Exotic hunter ornament Thalias range for handshake of the liar
  • The Exotic Titan Ornament Arcturus Engine for Holy Fire Herz
  • The exotic titan ornament Urusus Maritimus for Ursa Furiosa
  • Exotic Warlock Ornament Leave flight for escape artists
  • Exotic Warlock Ornament Path to Convergence for Transversive Steps

Are you hyped on Witch Queen and gets really gas in the new Season 15? How is you a new season traditionally? Has you noticed something we should mention in the next reset article or have you found other sources for top loot? We like to tell us in the comments.

Threatening Content Drought - Why the new Season 15 could become a torment


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