Destiny 2: Season of worthy roadmap revealed, Guardian Games in April - Bunker - Video Peeling news, instructions, exemplary procedures, reviews and culture

Why DEADMAN WONDERLAND isn't getting a Season 2

The season starts with the Seraph Tower Event and the first Seraph Bunker on March 10th.

The first trailer for schicksal 2 Season of the Worthy has recently revealed and teased the next crisis with which the players would be confronted (say: huge space super weapon colliding with the last city). In addition, Bungie published a roadmap to confirm which activities when published. Everything starts with the Seraph Tower Event on March 10, a PVP activity.

On the same day, new quests are also added, which are likely to relate to the new Seraph Bunker (also known as Legendary Lost Sector), which is located in the European Dead Zone. Thereafter, Trials of Osiris returns on March 13 and brings three schicksal 1 cards back together with the classic armor and 3V3 elimination game mode. The second Seraph bunker will be opened on the moon on March 24, followed by the third on April 7.

On April 21, the Guardian Games will take place, replacement for the Revelry, who acts as "class competition". It will be available for all players and offer a new legendary armor so that it should be interesting to see it. The same day also comes the new Grandmaster Nightfall: The Ordeal. Be looking forward to other surprises and secrets throughout the season.

Marked with: Bungie, Destiny 2, PC, PS4, Xbox One


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